“Digital Effective School Self-Assessment for Sustainable School Improvement” Erasmus+ (KA220-SCH) Project was official launched on 09 – 10 February 2023. Project meeting gathered all consortium partners composed of universities, public institutions, inspector boards, and foundation. The variety and a range of expertise of partners is complementary and indispensable to develop the self-assessment digital tool for schools, and for inspector boards. Partners from Spain and Portugal were not able to attend the meeting on-site because of a terrible eartquake happened in the eastern part of Türkiye as some flights were delayed. To handle this problem, partners agreed to turn the meeting a blended one where the partners could attend online.
The partners were officially welcomed by the opening speeches of Yaşar Keleş, the Deputy Chairman of the Inspection Board. After his speech, Project coordinator, Harun Göncü, from MEB TKB, emphasized the importance of developing digital school self-assessment tool for school improvement not only for Turkiye but also for all partner countries. He indicated that developing a common system will bring an added value for the future of EU as
Main objectives of the meeting were to set the official start of the project, establish relations between all partners, provide clarification and define the specific work that each participant is going to make in the following months. The second day of the kick-off meeting continued with the clarification about the administrative & financial rules. A special session was dedicated to explain the Risk Management Plan, the Quality Management Plan and the Communication & Dissemination Plan. These documents would be prepared during the first month of the project. Commissions as indicated in the application form was also formed and each commission had a member from each partner. cultural and social perspectives of Turkiye were presented by visiting touristic and historistic main points of the city to the guests, as well.