2 nd Transnational Project Meeting- TPM 3
DIGI ESSA 4 SCHOOL Project 2nd Interim Evaluation Meeting was held in Sinaia, Romania, on March 14-15, 2024. The meeting, hosted by Pharova School Inspectorate, commenced with an opening speech and welcome message from General School Inspector Ilona Rizea. Following that, School Inspector Lorelli Urlețeanu explained the institutional self-assessment system of Romanian schools.
In the second session of the meeting, a presentation was delivered by Education Inspector/Project Coordinator Harun Göncü, evaluating the initial 16-month period of the project in terms of project management, timeline, budget utilization, potential risks, mitigation measures, progress in work packages, and the quality of outputs.
During the afternoon session of the meeting, Sinaia George Enescu Primary School was visited. Participants were briefed on the institutional self-assessment systems of Romanian schools during the school visit.
The second day of the meeting commenced with a morning session where Prof. Arif Altun from Hacettepe University presented on the Digi Essa 4 School model data entry, analysis software within the scope of the 4th Work Package. Following that, Boudewijn van Velzen and Karen Koten from EduXprrs provided information about the educational activity (LTTA3) to be conducted in the Netherlands.