One of the key highlights of the training program was a 5-day on-site mobility in Portugal, Unıversıdade De Lisboa. Trainings were delivered by academics of ULISBOA/PR, UFIRENZE/IT, UJI/SP and HU/TR. In addition, a participant from each partner country made a presentation describing the current situation in their country related to school evaluation systems.
In order to observe the Self-Assessment practices on-site, ULISBOA/PR organized institution visits. The detailed program for this mobility was as follows:
Day 1: The training began with the welcoming of Dean of Education Department. The meeting continued with introduction and orientation session, familiarizing participants with the program’s objectives and structure.
Presentation of country-base sttudy. Partners presented the “Evaluation of the Results of Field Research and Analysis Conducted in Partner Countries by Academicians.
Day 2: Participants continued to present their study results. When it finished, evaluation of the Reports were discussed
Day 3: Participants separated into groups and a workshop organised aiming to Developing the procedures, principles, criteria, questionnaires, forms and application guide of the digital effective self-assessment model presentations
Day 4: Host partner embarked on Establishing the infrastructure for the development of a digital effective self-assessment tool – Unıversıdade De Lısboa, Portugal – a visit to a local school, observing – hearing the practical application of self-assessment.
Day 5: The final day cantered on the finalization of project work. Details and questions related to budget and management were answered. Participants presented their outcomes, showcasing their progress and achievements. An evaluation and feedback session allowed for reflection and input on the training program. The program concluded with closing remarks and the distribution of certificates